Websites used and rare bookseller websites that bring together sellers prices. Sunday is the vice chair of midatlantic chapter of the abaa and was a keynote speaker at the york antiquarian book seminar in england. Do you have a book collection that has consumed every bit of shelf space you. Rare book dealers in chicago, il ask for free quotes.
Specialists in law and legal history, the lawbook exchange, ltd. The humanities department has resources to help you find out. The first edition offers collectors the finest notable rare books. I buy, authenticate, research, catalog, exhibit, sell. The rare book hub offers tools for the book collector and bookseller, especially old and rare books, antique or antiquarian books, hard to find, out of print, and collectible collectable books. Midwest antiquarian booksellers association promoting. All members agree to abide by the abaas code of ethics. Rare books for sale, buy antique books from alibris. Our website includes our business history, links to a few of our favorite shops, reference sites for readers, things to do in chicago and feedback weve received about our business. Directory midwest antiquarian booksellers association. Chicago s online bookstore for buying and selling used and rare books, cds, lps, and paper collectibles. Founded in 1983, we currently serve thousands of individuals and institutions worldwide. Formerly helena szepe books of chicago, we have close to 40 years experience as sellers of.
Please browse at your leisure or for your reading needs. Alibris is one of the premier rare and outofprint book sites on the internet. Ian brabner is a rare book dealer specializing in 18th century and 19th century american history based in wilmington, delaware. Szepe books of chicago, we have close to 40 years experience as sellers of. Alibris buy new and used books, textbooks, music and movies. Raptis rare books is an antiquarian book firm that specializes in fine first editions, signed and inscribed books, and landmark books in all fields. This site was designed to sell and buy used books, magazines and ephemera. Use the filters or search bar to find exactly what youre looking for then call or email us with any questions or order here directly online. Use the search box above to find fond treasures from your childhood or that one book that has escaped your collection thus far.
Are you looking for a rare book that you just cant seem to get your hands on. Since 1970, our retail store in hyde park, near the university of chicago, has specialized in academic and scholarly books in the fields of. In 1976 he became a fulltime dealer and auctioneer, and maintained a robust business in political and other collectors items until his company, slaters americana, was absorbed by heritage in 2004. When searching on its important to find copies that match the book in your possession as accurately as possible. We have thousands of rare and antique treasures brought to you by our network of trusted sellers from all around the world. And as is the case with all book dealers some of the books are rare. There is also information and resources on book history, printing, and book collecting. History, law, and politics archives raptis rare books. We have been buying and selling books for over a decade as we celebrate over 10,000 successful transactions to nearly every country in the world. Sunday has a masters degree from nyu, attended rare book school at uva, and was a forbes small business contributor. Visit us online, at our galleries in new york or las vegas, or call us at 180099bauman. Welcome to the website of the lawbook exchange, ltd. From the great writings of oliver wendell holmes, jr.
A free directory of antiquarian bookstores, online since 1998. We also publish original books and reprints of significant titles. Alibris is your source for new and used books, textbooks, music and movies. We strive to maintain the highest standards in the trade. We are members of the antiquarian booksellers association of america, the leading association of rare book dealers in america. About rare books and early manuscripts at the university. Ian brabner, rare book dealer, americana specialist. The online exhibition was designed by kristen mcdonald of the lewis walpole library. Well known to book collectors and booklovers, our site is an excellent resource for discovering a rough value of an old book. Welcome to kurt gippert bookseller abaa we have been buying and selling quality books in all fields since 1990.
Visit us online, at our galleries in new york or las vegas, or call. Whether you want the cheapest reading copy or a specific collectible edition, with bookfinder, youll find just the right book. Since that time tom has served as director of americana auctions. Abebooks has been part of the rare book world since going live in 1996. We have a select inventory of 30,000 antiquarian, rare, collectible and outofprint books, historic photographs, autographed and manuscript material, pre1850.
Our books are historically important and allow the reader to own a piece of history. Member of the antiquarian booksellers association of america abaa and the international league of antiquarian booksellers ilab. The organization publishes a newsletter and sponsors speakers and programs on both legal history and rare books at the annual meeting. History, especially american local history including chicago. Manhattan rare book company specializes in rare books and first editions in literature, art, history, and science. If youre interested in selling us material, please click on bookrecord buying.
Any reputable american rare book dealer would do well to be a part of their organization, and if they hear about you pulling a fast one on some unsuspecting customer, theyll give you the boot in no time flat. We specialize in making it easier for you to get the books you need. From the code of hammurabi to modern times, laws provide the basis for our society. In the hopes of attracting as wide an audience as possible, the sis encourages vendors and book dealers to join the group. Biblio offers unique, rare and antiquarian books from the finest book dealers in the world. Alibris has been selling books, movies and music since 1997.
International league of antiquarian booksellers at. The queen caroline affair was cocurated by cynthia roman, curator of prints, drawings, and paintings at the lewis walpole library, and mike widener, rare book librarian at the lillian goldman law library. We are a large retail store, with 6 floors of outofprint and rare books, including. Adam weinberger is a member of the abaa antiquarian booksellers association of. The antiquarian booksellers association of america was founded in 1949 to promote interest in rare and antiquarian books and book collecting, and to foster collegial relations. We have distinguished ourselves by having a reputation for handling unique and important books that are in exceptional condition. We buy, research, authenticate, catalog and offer for sale rare books and american autograph manuscripts. This guide contains resources, descriptions, and tutorials on how to use the rare book and early manuscript collections at the university of chicago library.
Since 1997, bookfinder has made it easy to find any book at the best price. Bauman rare books offers an extraordinary selection of rare books and autographs in all fields. General stock of used books as well as rare and collectible books dating to 1600. Specializing in americana, economics, law, literature, general antiquarian. Her appraisal skills were recently featured on atlas obscura. The first edition rare books rare books by notable people. Weve attempted to make our site easy to navigate and without the usual clutter. Midwest antiquarian booksellers association a nonprofit association of antiquarian booksellers promoting the love of books, maps, prints and ephemera. Bookbid rare books specializes in rare antiquarian and modern collectible books. Bauman rare books first editions, signed and inscribed rare. Rare book hub rare books, book auctions, antiquarian.
Our speciality is in old and rare books, specifically early printed books before 1800 including incunabula, early bibles pre1800, manuscripts in general, handwritten books, medieval manuscripts, books of hours, archives, natural history books, color plate books, books on travel and exploration and much more. Specializing in as a lifelong collector and dealer in rare books, manuscripts, and autographs, i also occasionally offer. Rare books and manuscripts ian brabner, rare americana. The company includes retail, online and wholesale divisions. Powells books chicago is the chicago areas largest independent dealer in quality used, bargain, antiquarian, and out of print books. Our rare books experts are a walking encyclopedia of all things rare and collectible. The organization publishes a newsletter twice a year and sponsors speakers and programs on both legal history and rare books at the annual meeting.
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